How a $15 mac and cheese helped us define our brand

We’ve grown quite fond of an analogy in the Global Sessions office in recent months. It seemed trivial at first, but over time it has helped us define our values as a company and our standards as a brand.

 There’s a to-die-for mac and cheese on the menu at our favorite local pub. It’s steamy, it’s creamy, it’s cheesy goodness with a perfectly crisp crust, and it’s $15.

Why does this matter to Global Sessions?

We were asked to put together a teambuilding event for the same pub where said legendary mac and cheese is crafted. When it came down to submitting a budget for our team’s service, we received a thought-provoking response. The client’s rationale was simple- they could purchase all the supplies for the event themselves at a lower price.

The client was correct. They could have purchased the supplies for less, much like we can go to a grocery store and purchase a box of macaroni and cheese for about a dollar, or all the ingredients to make it from scratch for about five. But once we have the supplies, where are we then? It’s the time-tested recipe, the flawless assembly of ingredients, the atmosphere, the experience, the service and, not to be undervalued, the ability to sit back, relax, enjoy your company and let the professionals do the work, that makes the $15 mac and cheese worth every penny.

Having a great time at a Global Sessions event

What we offer

That’s what we offer at Global Sessions. Our events and experiences are the $15 mac and cheese you can’t get enough of and you can’t replicate on your own no matter how hard you try. Our secret recipe is our team and the energy we bring. We are four-star event chefs, and our experience, attention to detail and rock star service are well worth the cost.

You don’t go to a restaurant looking for a meal you can cook for pennies your own. You go because you want something special, created by someone with experience; you want sit back, relax and let a pro do the work.

We take the time to get to know everyone at our events, and many of our clients turn into great friends.

The “$15 mac and cheese” analogy has come up several times since. As a relatively new company still inventing ourselves, our services and our value in the marketplace, it serves as a light-hearted but poignant reminder of what we offer and what we must always deliver to ensure our clients are left feeling happy and fulfilled.

It’s worth pointing out, the client did book us for the budget we proposed, and the appreciation party for their team was a huge hit.

That time a Sasquatch showed up to our event. Because why not.